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This is a debate that has been raging for years: gooseneck kettles vs regular kettles
When it comes to coffee, every little detail matters. The grind of the beans, the water temperature, the brewing method... each of these elements can have a big impact on the quality of your cup.
So when it comes to choosing the right kettle, it's important to choose wisely. Which one is better? Let's take a closer look.
It’s hard to deny that there’s something special about pour-over coffee. The ritualistic nature of the brewing process, the release of aromatics as hot water cascades over freshly ground beans—there’s simply no other way to make coffee that quite compares.
But in order to make pour-over coffee at home, you need the right tools—namely, a gooseneck kettle.
The Pros and Cons of Gooseneck Kettles
Gooseneck kettles have a long, slender spout that gives you more control over the pour.
This is great for slow, steady pouring, which is essential for proper coffee brewing.
On the downside, gooseneck kettles can be more difficult to fill and clean than regular kettles. They also tend to be more expensive.
The Pros and Cons of Regular Kettles
Regular kettles have a shorter, wider spout that allows for a quicker pour. This can be helpful if you're in a hurry (although we would never recommend rushing your coffee).
Regular kettles are also usually easier to fill and clean than gooseneck kettles.
The downside is that you don't have as much control over the pour, which can lead to over-extraction (and thus, bitter coffee).
The Battle of the Kettles
So, which type of kettle is best? The answer is simple.
If you're looking for something that's easier to fill and clean or if you're tight on budget, then a regular kettle might be a better choice.
If you like taking your time with your coffee, want more control over the pour, and superb cup of coffee then a gooseneck kettle is the option for you.
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So if your choice is a Gooseneck Kettle but you're not sure which one to get, check out our The Best Gooseneck Kettles on the Market! We've found what "allthepeoplesay" are the best options for almost every budget, so you can start making pour-over coffee that's truly out of this world
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