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We all know the feeling. You reach for your coffee thermos, take a big whiff of last night's coffee, and suddenly your stomach does a flip.

If you're like me, you love coffee but can't stand the smell of stale coffee in your thermos. So what can you do to get rid of that nasty smell?

There are a few different methods you can try to get rid of the smell from your coffee thermos. One is to fill it with hot water and a few tablespoons of baking soda. Let it sit for a few hours, then empty and rinse it out.

You can also try vinegar; just fill the thermos with equal parts water and vinegar, let it sit for a few hours, then empty and rinse it out.

If you're struggling with the smell, you can even put the thermos in the freezer overnight; the cold temperature will help kill any bacteria that's causing the smell.

No one likes a smelly coffee thermos, but thankfully there are a few easy ways to get rid of that unpleasant odor. So next time you reach for your thermos and catch a whiff of last night's coffee, don't despair! Just follow one of these simple methods and you'll have a fresh-smelling thermos in no time.

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Have Fun...Smile...Be Happy! - KDII

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